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Our policy and advocacy framework focuses on creating a level playing field for Ontario's co-operatives, driving awareness of co-operative innovation and the unique challenges we face, as well as showcasing the benefits and contributions that co-operatives provide to the social economy.

Uniting co-operatives with a common voice.

By bringing co-operatives together, we help raise awareness of our business model and increase our ability to advocate and effect change on vital issues of relevance and benefit to co-operatives. As such, we are the common voice of Ontario co-operatives for the provincial government. 

A member speaking at a Queen's Park Reception
Our Current Focus
Our Current Focus
Our Advocacy History

Our Advocacy History since 2018...

Connecting, collaborating and encouraging a united voice.

Since our beginnings in 2002, we have played an important role in connecting and bringing our members together with elected officials, to advocate for improvements to the regulatory and legislative environment for Ontario's co-operatives. We continue to encourage our members to get involved and be part of a united voice, keeping Ontario co-operatives top of mind for the Province.

People shaking hands at a Queen's Park Reception
Graphic of co-operative businesses on a street

Building a better Ontario through co-operation.

Ontario's co-operatives provide unique and innovative solutions to address key challenges facing the province, and contribute to the sustainable growth and development of our communities.

Learn more about some of the ways co-operatives can help solve these issues, and the government support they require to continue making a difference in the lives of Ontarians.

Child Care

Supporting Ontario's 185 co-operative childcare centres that are

democratically-owned by the parents

or employees of the centre.

Business Conversions

Creating and promoting opportunities

for business succession using the

co-operative business model.


Senior Care

Developing an innovative co-operative ecosystem to support seniors electing to remain in their own homes and communities.

Co-ops in the Curriculum

Encouraging a more collaborative approach to economic development

by teaching students about the

co-operative business model.

Renewable Energy

Amending the regulatory policies

that are suppressing energy innovation

by Ontario's 27 renewable energy


Offering Statements

Increasing offering statement

exemption limits to help co-operatives raise the required money to capitalize their business.  

Co-operative Solutions



Effective Co-op Advocacy

A guided resource that will walk you through the process of doing effective advocacy on behalf of your co-operative. 


Guide to the Act

A comprehensive (164 page) plain language explanation of the details within the Ontario Co-operative Corporations Act.


About Co-operatives

A co-operative is a business model that make sense socially, environmentally and financially,  balancing people, planet, and profit. 

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