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About Us

The Ontario Co-operative Association is the primary voice and resource for those who believe in and/or
use the co-operative business model to build better, stronger, and more sustainable communities in Ontario.

Our Vision.

An Ontario where co-operatives contribute to the sustainable growth and development of our communities, and to the overall social, economic, and environmental well-being of the province. We believe in the transformative power of co-operatives to create inclusive economies that benefit everyone.

Our Mission.

To support, promote, advocate and provide educational programs, training, and resources for Ontario's co-operative businesses. We are highly committed to the core values of people, community, inclusivity, education, innovation, collaboration, sustainability, and professional service at all times.

Our Story.

Our People.

Our Members

Members at an Annual General Members' Meeting
Members at an Annual General Members' Meeting

Our Leadership

A Board Director providing members with the financial report at the Annual General Members' Meeting
A Board Director providing members with the financial report at the Annual General Members' Meeting

Our Management

The Ontario Co-operative Association's staff team
The Ontario Co-operative Association's staff team

The people behind what we do and why we do it are what makes

our work supporting the Ontario co-operative sector possible.

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